1·If the muscles are relaxed, the sack shrinks, and all you see is a little white point.
2·The first snow of the Beijing light, white point fall down.
3·There was only a small difference between the Settings of the white point.
4·A yellow or white point at the center of the lump can be seen when the boil is ready to drain or discharge pus.
5·The obtaining unit obtains a target lightness of the white point which is less than the standardized maximum lightness in the device independent color space.
6·During the Nylon 6 production, the small white point can be seen in ch ips after extracting under UV lamp sometimes, the spinnability of the chips with white point was poorer.
7·From the statistical analysis of the subjective results, it's confirmed that image content affects preferred white point setting significantly, and the effect is different for different regions.
8·Point the camera at a white background, and observe this phenomenon with a magnifying glass.
9·That might seem rather an obscure point, but it sets the tone for an exhibition that contains a lot of black-and-white photographs and relatively few natural objects.
10·Regarding that last point, it's an irony - though perhaps an unsurprising one - that music derived from the traditions of African slaves should have been first recorded by a white band.